It's been a while. Heck, 4 years to be exact!!
While the interior is pretty much the same, the feeling was completely different. And not in a bad way at that. There were live bands rocking it out, some friendly clusters, and a beer in my hand.. what more can I ask for?
Now, the bands.. that's what I want to talk about now. There were 6 bands if I remember correctly. One of which was the purpose I went in the first place; my friend was playing the vocal for his band, Nobody.
The night started fairly good with a petite Asian entertaining a cheering crowd, followed by a ridiculous J-pop singer, who drove us upstairs and away. THEN, we were attracted back again by another singer.
He looked like your typical geek-next-door, who also happens to be a Pantene model-wannabe, but people, I tell ya, if there's a time you shouldn't judge a person by its cover.. it's now; it's him.
He's awesome!!

For undescribable reason, he reminded me of Malaysian blogger who's not unfamiliar to you all, Kenny Sia. And trust me, when he started rockin' it, he rocked the house.
He played solo that night, but check out his band, Broken Scar. I believe they have two albums out now; Shooting Star and Midnight in St. Kilda. My favourite tracks are Shooting Star, and Until I Fall. Totally loving it at the mo ;)
So yes, having positively rocked the Saturday night away, let's return back to Earth, and get in touch with Missy's other side.
It seemed like just last month that they got married, but apparently it's been longer, much longer. We welcomed lovely Mia Morland-Sahono into our world on the chilly night of 14th May.
Cutest darling with big eyes and two dimples, just like her Mama. She felt so solid and warm against me, I literally melted with passion. Baby hubz and I both thought she's beautiful, and we had so much fun walking around trying to decide between baby towels and the smallest and cutest outfit that babies outgrow in 2 minutes.
That being said, we are still very patient, and not rushing to have any of our own anytime soon. We'll wait about 4 more years :)
After the visit, we were both a little cold and loving our little time together. So, what's better than a mug of hot chocolate to sip and some extra to melt in your mouth?
Maybe I should go consult my newly arrived book and make my own Blueberry in the Pot someday ;)
I am, afterall, the super wifey ;)
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