Good morning, dearest all!
Three reasons why today is a good morning.
It's sunny and cheerful.
Baby hubz woke early to accompany me for breakfast. (This means alot to me; me being the ultimate breakfast queen)
Missy Allets turns 1 today! Wahooo
And I have, for some red-beans-and-cereals odd reasons, decided to hold previous entries because I wanted to make the 50th post a mark for the anniversary. 50 ain't a big one for the number of blog entries in a YEAR, but hey, it's a nice mid!!
Moving gingerly along, Missy Allets wants to recap what went on a little one month plus before.
Aside from the neverending quest to make more money (the little agenda we all call.. work), Missy Allets finally attended to some social call and falling in love with a product or two.. or seventy three, here and there.. and everwhere.
You obviously know that you won't get the whole deal here, judging from the year past what an ass of a lazy mule Missy is, but I assure you it's gonna be a pretty convoluted entry sprinkled with indulgence throughout. So I suggest, get yourself a coffee, make yourself comfortable and take these pamperings into your dreams..
First off, products.
Yummy, creamy, I-absolutely-love-you products
Post-Xmas, Missy had the chance to slather her lips, hair AND body..
(no big deal)
(oh goodness, are you for real?!)
Nah, just joking.. but these babes that my babe got me can certainly pass off as real.

Philosophy Cinnamon Buns
Shampoo, Shower gel & Bubble bath
"very emolient cinnamon buns flavored lip shine"
If someone comes to you and say, "I feel so good, I want to eat myself!", the only thing you can do is BELIEVE it.
The gel is super creamy and thick, leaving my skin smooth and happy. And the gloss.. OH the gloss! sweet taste aside, it actually holds the shine for quite a long time. Yes, with all the drinking and salivating too. And the best part? They really do smell (and taste) like cinnamon!
I mean, seriously, after shower, I felt like a walking cinnamon bun! I wanted to complete the baking process by getting the range's Cinnamon Soufle moisturiser, but guess what? The little gem was sold out. What do you mean sold out? I mean sold out as in stop-whining-no-more-means-no-more sold out :( Sobs, I wanna be a cinnamon bun!!
Bon travail, faiseur!
Translation: Great work, miracle-worker!
Not sure how many of you out there actually tried this product, but I'm reasonably amazed. So..
*drumroll please..
Avene; a range of French skincare products based on water from the Avene thermal spring water.
I said reasonably, because I'm not referring to all of Avene products. In fact, I was quite disappointed with a few, but let's not ruin this perfect blog, shall we?
The one that I really want to stress on is:

Avene Very High Protection Cream available in SPF 30+ and 50+
I have been using this precious for a little over a month now, and I'm pleased to inform all beauty carers out there that this is one hell of a sunscreen for summer in Australia!
No, actually I take it back.
It's more than just a sunscreen.
My skin wasn't bad, but it wasn't perfect either. Usually after applying sunscreen on my face and out for a tan, I would come home to red, irritated cheeks. That stays. For weeks.
With this, it's flawless. For real, even if you're not going into the sun, apply this as a make-up base for perfect, glowing skin. You don't even need your foundation. What I do for my morning routine is cleanse, tone, protect and moisturise (plus a little eye and cheek colouring if I'm going out), and I'm good for the whole day.
Second piece of information, it doesn't smash your wallet against that damn metal-studded wall ;)
It's ok, you're welcome.
Sinful well-being
Another thing to be thankful for, thanks to my beauty bible, Val.
I'll make this sweet and straight to the point.
We were in Priceline. I told her I needed a body lotion that works. She dragged me to the next aisle and shove this in my face. Love at first sight and I stocked it up.

St. Ives Whipped Silk Body Moisturiser
Within 2 seconds upon the first touch, I know this will be in my everyday few times a day, to-use list. It is that good.
Even the name sounds disastrously sinful. Despite the acclaimed whipped texture, it leaves a silky finish to the skin that lingers till the next time you want to take your shower (which will be soon). Imagine feeling velvety all over your body, girls. Even the worst dressed will feel like a porn star.
Baby hubz was touching, feeling and groping me at every chance he got. And we're not even talking about sex. That's gotta be heavenly for sure.
Ok, enough being free ambassador, let's jump back in time.
One of Baby hubz's colleagues were leaving and we went out for nice dinner and a night of retro.

A night with them Europeans was actually something fun and nice. To me, anyway. Finnish, Polish, Dutch, Norwegian, German.. oh, and Greeks!
We went to Retro Club, which plays *duh 60s 70s 80s. Some of the songs, I didn't even know exist! We were humming, singing, dancing and laughing whole night long. Truly an International party, I'd say!
And did I tell you, I can die for accents?? Well, I definitely went to heaven that night :)
Temple day 2008
Another proof of how fast a year had passed us by.
Last year, I planned a little surprise visit home. Chinese New Year just ain't the same without loved ones bustling around you, laughter and gossips in the air, deafening crackers and yummy snacks.
This year, I stayed back and there wasn't even the faintest indication that Chinese New Year has indeed loomed near! 4 more days, to be precise.
Well, there's certainly no chance of conjuring festive cheer out of dull Melbourne air, but we found the closest substitute.
Off we went to the temple, for a day of vegetarian joy.

The same group.

The same symbol of a New Year.
Missy is missing home bad, and counting down to the family event doesn't help. So, let's just be grateful and take joy in what we have here.
Happy Chinese New Year, to all who celebrates. To those who don't, well, raise your glass and toast to love and being loved.
.. and here's to Princess-ship
One lazy afternoon, two young ladies, over three-tiers of sinful confectionery, chatted gaily in an English-style dining room.
Oh, what wouldn't I give to be reincarnated as Queen Elizabeth..

High tea at the Windsor's was an unforgettable experience. An indulgence that doesn't come by every 5 seconds, or rather.. 12 years.
So, we thoroughly enjoyed being amazing, beautiful, charming.. (I'm on a roll, don't stop me).. fabulous, gorgeous, oh.. and happy. I could do another set of U, V, W.. but modesty got the better of me.

Tell me if these two princesses don't deserve to be crowned.
Now that I'm back to Earth, there are chores waiting to be done and Baby hubz waiting to be pampered.
I wish all a safe and fun Chinese celebration, and happy 1-year to Missy Allets and her barren tree.