Missy is pissed, to say the least. And tempted bad to hurl abuse, but no, I think she's over it.
Not to mean she's not pissed. Over it, as in over the notion of feeling pissy and immortalize the feeling in words.
I realized that over a year back, I've started to make this blog a happier space. Not yet 100%, but most definitely less anger, more love. And I really do like it that way.
Well, you won't hear it, but right this instant, sexy, soft jazz is floating dreamily in the early spring sky. And Missy's mood lifted considerably. What say you we forget whatever that's clogging the happy nerves, and focus on the beautiful things in life?
Sounds good to me!
Princesses at the Mount
I told you we'll be back. And very soon, indeed. In fact, this is already considered a much belated post.
Dolls At The Mount this time is an equally, if not more anticipated experience. My sweet wifey's sweet 24th. Between you and me, this far surpassed our tea at Sofi's.
Viv made sure of that. Oh yes, she did.
Just look at our feast, will you? Just look at it..
The scones were a delight, undoubtedly. But the two tiers of delicacy promptly made its way onto our love-list too. Where should I start?
The classic nanna sponge were light and I'd say, just right. It's sweet, but not overclouding the sourish tang of the berry jam sandwiched between a slather of cream and soft sponge. A delightful companion to a sip of good ol' Devonshire tea.
The roly-poly sandwiches also proved to be an absolute balance on the palate. Too bad Missy ain't high on white bread (don't ask me why I can do scones instead, because there is NO question in that), but otherwise, a perfect concoction of fresh salad and either ham, turkey, beef and egg. We believe Viv slipped in some special homemade relish in between some as well. Wifey and I can both vouch for this gorgeous touch.

Among the beautiful spread, little treats were hidden on the plate too. Baby yo-yos, little chocolate balls, and..
Another love-at-first-sight: this creamy PINK cupcake, specially for lou por. Pink and rosy. Pink because it's lovely, gentle and sophisticated. Pink because it's for you.

Happy birthday, wife!
*Oh yes, we packed up whatever that is left to tempt, because we wouldn't be able to finish the high-tea platter even if our life depended on it anyway. And we got another serve of chocolate scones just to wrap the experience in its grand finale.
Verdict? Purrrrrfect.
Or, almost anyway.

Viv brought along this recipe book in all kindness. But I'm not gonna spoil the fun here.
Well, why not drop in for your own whole new tea experience at Dolls At The Mount. There's plenty to discover, I can say that much ;)
Dolls At The Mount this time is an equally, if not more anticipated experience. My sweet wifey's sweet 24th. Between you and me, this far surpassed our tea at Sofi's.
Viv made sure of that. Oh yes, she did.
Just look at our feast, will you? Just look at it..
The scones were a delight, undoubtedly. But the two tiers of delicacy promptly made its way onto our love-list too. Where should I start?
The classic nanna sponge were light and I'd say, just right. It's sweet, but not overclouding the sourish tang of the berry jam sandwiched between a slather of cream and soft sponge. A delightful companion to a sip of good ol' Devonshire tea.
The roly-poly sandwiches also proved to be an absolute balance on the palate. Too bad Missy ain't high on white bread (don't ask me why I can do scones instead, because there is NO question in that), but otherwise, a perfect concoction of fresh salad and either ham, turkey, beef and egg. We believe Viv slipped in some special homemade relish in between some as well. Wifey and I can both vouch for this gorgeous touch.
Among the beautiful spread, little treats were hidden on the plate too. Baby yo-yos, little chocolate balls, and..
Another love-at-first-sight: this creamy PINK cupcake, specially for lou por. Pink and rosy. Pink because it's lovely, gentle and sophisticated. Pink because it's for you.
Happy birthday, wife!
*Oh yes, we packed up whatever that is left to tempt, because we wouldn't be able to finish the high-tea platter even if our life depended on it anyway. And we got another serve of chocolate scones just to wrap the experience in its grand finale.
Verdict? Purrrrrfect.
Or, almost anyway.
Viv brought along this recipe book in all kindness. But I'm not gonna spoil the fun here.
Well, why not drop in for your own whole new tea experience at Dolls At The Mount. There's plenty to discover, I can say that much ;)
Crash (2005)
We've heard about this movie quite some time ago, but just never got down to it. A weekend off for both of us, a grocery trip and chancing upon a video store SO close by home, meant we finally popped a beer each and settled to watch Crash.

A splendid film by Paul Haggis, who also penned Million Dollar Baby by the way. And judging from both styles, I'm gonna make a safe bet to say he deals with our deepest emotion, bringing sensitive issues to the surface and suffice to say, not without some massive heart-wrench, in which case, I love him already.
Crash is a compelling film dealing with issues of racism and the chain effects of. What makes it truly remarkable was the fact that the movie spans the duration of 36 hours in which you, and I, were brought headlong into a web of provocative thoughts and fervent memories.
If 36 hours already see such coincidences, challenges and realizations, what must it be like living in LA?
Certainly not for the faint-hearted.
An amazing cast of real life, each contrasting and complementing each other; black and whites, the young and old, the poor and rich, the talented and mediocre, the kind residents and the people who were driven to desperation. However you see this film, you will come out of it a different person.
This poster above depicts one of my favourite scenes. It is so powerful, I still get goosebumps thinking about it. The pure innocence of love, I tell you.
A brilliant, brilliant intelligent film. I cannot recommend enough.

A splendid film by Paul Haggis, who also penned Million Dollar Baby by the way. And judging from both styles, I'm gonna make a safe bet to say he deals with our deepest emotion, bringing sensitive issues to the surface and suffice to say, not without some massive heart-wrench, in which case, I love him already.
Crash is a compelling film dealing with issues of racism and the chain effects of. What makes it truly remarkable was the fact that the movie spans the duration of 36 hours in which you, and I, were brought headlong into a web of provocative thoughts and fervent memories.
If 36 hours already see such coincidences, challenges and realizations, what must it be like living in LA?
Certainly not for the faint-hearted.
An amazing cast of real life, each contrasting and complementing each other; black and whites, the young and old, the poor and rich, the talented and mediocre, the kind residents and the people who were driven to desperation. However you see this film, you will come out of it a different person.

A brilliant, brilliant intelligent film. I cannot recommend enough.
Trilogy Trio
Much has been said, and heard, may I stress, about rosehip oil. No links here, but I assure you a quick google will yield enough results to make you jump out of your chair the very instant to the nearest pharmacy or departmental store available. That said, I can only lament that I did not succumb any sooner.
And so, with pompous drum rolls and massive fireworks, only because they more than worth the extravagance; my dearest readers, I present to yous, my absolute favourite skincare of themoment year decade.

Left to right: Trilogy Certified Organic Rosehip Oil, Trilogy Cream Cleanser, Trilogy Hydrating Mist Toner.
Winter has just passed and not without leaving its visible trail of dryness on my skin. My first application of the oil few weeks prior, brought the glimmer of hope back to my eyes. I knew I was saved.
Frankly speaking, the word "oil" was the main culprit in putting me off the action all this while. I mean, oil and face just don't seem to complement each other, in Missy's humble opinion. But no, this oil, this amazing rosehip oil is far from damaging your skin. It's like the first plunge into freshwater after 2 months in the sea; your skin's oasis in the vast Sahara. Yes, I cannot be at all subtle about this.
As for the two supporting products, I have equally high praises.
The cream cleanser is totally a God-sent on late nights when you really can't be bothered but you know you have to take off your make-up, however light, and prep it to recover overnight. So, imagine, instead of 1) remove make-up and pulling your already scant lashes while doing so, 2) double cleanse your face, 3) pat on toner, 4) dab eye cream, 5) serum, 6) moisturiser, double moisturiser; now my routine becomes 1) wash off make-up (yes, mascara too!) with said cleanser, 2) warm 3 drops of oil between palms and massage face and neck and 3) gingerly stare at my reflection and grin, hehe no, I don't do that ALL the time, God no!
And the mist, a perfect complement to an already talented sister. During the course of the day, when you just need a tad of moisture boost, to perk up the skin, well guess what, it's there. It's sitting there patiently awaiting its debut. Whole day/ night out? Spray, spray and you're good as new. And not that you don't already know, but Missy LOVES anything and everything hassle-free.
So there you have it, my can't do without, won't do without Trilogy Trio. Only problem is, Spring is fast approaching and I'm really wondering what the mix of oil and heat will bring. Well, I'll know soon, and obviously, yous will know soon too. Till then, stay hydrated!
And so, with pompous drum rolls and massive fireworks, only because they more than worth the extravagance; my dearest readers, I present to yous, my absolute favourite skincare of the
Left to right: Trilogy Certified Organic Rosehip Oil, Trilogy Cream Cleanser, Trilogy Hydrating Mist Toner.
Winter has just passed and not without leaving its visible trail of dryness on my skin. My first application of the oil few weeks prior, brought the glimmer of hope back to my eyes. I knew I was saved.
Frankly speaking, the word "oil" was the main culprit in putting me off the action all this while. I mean, oil and face just don't seem to complement each other, in Missy's humble opinion. But no, this oil, this amazing rosehip oil is far from damaging your skin. It's like the first plunge into freshwater after 2 months in the sea; your skin's oasis in the vast Sahara. Yes, I cannot be at all subtle about this.
As for the two supporting products, I have equally high praises.
The cream cleanser is totally a God-sent on late nights when you really can't be bothered but you know you have to take off your make-up, however light, and prep it to recover overnight. So, imagine, instead of 1) remove make-up and pulling your already scant lashes while doing so, 2) double cleanse your face, 3) pat on toner, 4) dab eye cream, 5) serum, 6) moisturiser, double moisturiser; now my routine becomes 1) wash off make-up (yes, mascara too!) with said cleanser, 2) warm 3 drops of oil between palms and massage face and neck and 3) gingerly stare at my reflection and grin, hehe no, I don't do that ALL the time, God no!
And the mist, a perfect complement to an already talented sister. During the course of the day, when you just need a tad of moisture boost, to perk up the skin, well guess what, it's there. It's sitting there patiently awaiting its debut. Whole day/ night out? Spray, spray and you're good as new. And not that you don't already know, but Missy LOVES anything and everything hassle-free.
So there you have it, my can't do without, won't do without Trilogy Trio. Only problem is, Spring is fast approaching and I'm really wondering what the mix of oil and heat will bring. Well, I'll know soon, and obviously, yous will know soon too. Till then, stay hydrated!
I honestly love you
All these while, I've been told quite frequently that I am a kind person. Too kind at times, which makes me look silly, but that's not the point today.
I always wonder if that was true, if I am indeed nice by nature, because that word is just too vague and overused. So much so that people will just throw that word around in various forms and you won't know if they actually mean it. Heck, it could very well be this century's Colloquial of the Century, for goodness sake; sorry, pun very much intended.
I need an answer.
And thanks to the world wide web, I think I finally found it.
Join me, along with the throngs of nice people in the world, to spread some love in the Well of Positivity, an initiative by Mt Franklin in supporting the National Breast Cancer Foundation. For each positive message or comment you drop in the well, Mt Franklin will donate $1 to the Foundation. Note: Positive.
Now, I can't say for everyone, but I definitely got busy dropping and commenting and whatnots. It's kind of like a therapy, you know. The do-good therapy. Hard to believe, but I just spent the entire of my last evening in the well, and that's when this thought came to my mind, "Hey, I think everyone's right! I think I really am nice!".
I could be wrong, but the thought is really warming up to me now. Yay, I'm nice!
I always wonder if that was true, if I am indeed nice by nature, because that word is just too vague and overused. So much so that people will just throw that word around in various forms and you won't know if they actually mean it. Heck, it could very well be this century's Colloquial of the Century, for goodness sake; sorry, pun very much intended.
I need an answer.
And thanks to the world wide web, I think I finally found it.
Join me, along with the throngs of nice people in the world, to spread some love in the Well of Positivity, an initiative by Mt Franklin in supporting the National Breast Cancer Foundation. For each positive message or comment you drop in the well, Mt Franklin will donate $1 to the Foundation. Note: Positive.
Now, I can't say for everyone, but I definitely got busy dropping and commenting and whatnots. It's kind of like a therapy, you know. The do-good therapy. Hard to believe, but I just spent the entire of my last evening in the well, and that's when this thought came to my mind, "Hey, I think everyone's right! I think I really am nice!".
I could be wrong, but the thought is really warming up to me now. Yay, I'm nice!
I especially missed you today.
The cruise around food blogs all over the world lately have brought back childhood memories of nanna, or I'd much rather call, popo. My popo is the world's greatest cook. Ever. In my tiny little heart during those innocent days, anyway.
Now, I don't know about your popo, but mine, being of Chinese descendant, is the epitome of mega-supercook. No measuring cup, no weighing scale, no labeled teaspoons, and no recipe books (which isn't really a good thing now that I think back). But her masterpieces were just amazing. In fact, I can't recall a single dish that came out of her kitchen as anything short of perfect. Except perhaps the Three-layer Pork dish that everyone tried to force down my throat. I'm just not that kind of layered pork person, in case you haven't noticed..
But other than that, everything else was perfect. Even when she served me cold durian flesh with rice, I gobbled the whole thing up like a 5-year old kid. No, wait a minute, I was a 5-year old kid. And I LOVE her White Sugar Cake, yes, I'm amazed too I didn't grow out of my mini mini sized pjs, but let's not get there.
I have on several occasions, not without a threatening edge to my tone, pleaded popo to teach me a signature dish or two, or twenty four; sweet/ savoury Glutinous Rice Dumplings, Oatmeal Prawns, Stirfry sliced liver with ginger and shallot, Angkoo Kuih, Homemade bouncy Fishballs, Yoong Taufu, Curry Fish Head, assorted Mooncakes, you know I can go on forever, right?, Mee Siam, Sweet Sauce Steamed Fish, Yam Cake, Smooth Beancurd with honeyed Brown Sugar Glaze, and how can I forget the sweets and cookies during Chinese New Year? Yes, all single-handedly made.
You could be thinking if my popo is THAT good, why do I still fail to whip up a simple fare for two?
Well, if you must know, popo never did teach me any of her secrets, or anything much for that matter. She said, "If I must impart, then it is your Mum whoshould must learn first before she can pass on the skills to you." Needless to say, Mum never learnt, and I don't even have the chance to dream.
Over the years, I never thought much about how important cooking skills are for a woman. But now, I know. And I'm filled with regret. I hope it's not too late.
As a form of self-encouragement, I want to attempt aforementioned dishes marked in bold. I won't lie, it's gonna take a long, long while. But, I will one day browse around and remember this pledge I made, on a quiet day when I really missed popo.
Now, I don't know about your popo, but mine, being of Chinese descendant, is the epitome of mega-supercook. No measuring cup, no weighing scale, no labeled teaspoons, and no recipe books (which isn't really a good thing now that I think back). But her masterpieces were just amazing. In fact, I can't recall a single dish that came out of her kitchen as anything short of perfect. Except perhaps the Three-layer Pork dish that everyone tried to force down my throat. I'm just not that kind of layered pork person, in case you haven't noticed..
But other than that, everything else was perfect. Even when she served me cold durian flesh with rice, I gobbled the whole thing up like a 5-year old kid. No, wait a minute, I was a 5-year old kid. And I LOVE her White Sugar Cake, yes, I'm amazed too I didn't grow out of my mini mini sized pjs, but let's not get there.
I have on several occasions, not without a threatening edge to my tone, pleaded popo to teach me a signature dish or two, or twenty four; sweet/ savoury Glutinous Rice Dumplings, Oatmeal Prawns, Stirfry sliced liver with ginger and shallot, Angkoo Kuih, Homemade bouncy Fishballs, Yoong Taufu, Curry Fish Head, assorted Mooncakes, you know I can go on forever, right?, Mee Siam, Sweet Sauce Steamed Fish, Yam Cake, Smooth Beancurd with honeyed Brown Sugar Glaze, and how can I forget the sweets and cookies during Chinese New Year? Yes, all single-handedly made.
You could be thinking if my popo is THAT good, why do I still fail to whip up a simple fare for two?
Well, if you must know, popo never did teach me any of her secrets, or anything much for that matter. She said, "If I must impart, then it is your Mum who
Over the years, I never thought much about how important cooking skills are for a woman. But now, I know. And I'm filled with regret. I hope it's not too late.
As a form of self-encouragement, I want to attempt aforementioned dishes marked in bold. I won't lie, it's gonna take a long, long while. But, I will one day browse around and remember this pledge I made, on a quiet day when I really missed popo.
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