I baked a bigger batch, with added chocolate chips to cater for the man, and my baking companion but too bad, both her and her man didn't get the chance to touch it. Oh well, next time, babe ;)
Fast forward few weeks later, Missy finished a 10-hour shift and joined her hubz on a 50-min train ride to the countryside. For a party. For his colleagues birthday party.
It was good, actually. I had fun. And believe me, you would too if you've seen the tub of alcohol drinks. By tub, I mean bath tub, so..
I was so tempted to take some pictures to satisfy the curiosity of my readers, but deemed it rude to do so in a place where I only know 0.28% of the guests. Guests, speaking of which were made up of German, Finnish, Dutch, Australian, Brazilian, Mexican, Norwegian (him) and Malaysian (me). Talk about an international party!
The food catered were a wise choice, and splendid nonetheless. I specially liked the idea of a whole bread on a cutting board, and everyone helped themselves with some dips and grilled vegetables. There were also some fine sandwiches and wraps, but I was too busy going gaga over the dips and oh, fruits.
:) Happy birthday, Ricarda.
PS: She is what I was. Go figure!
Up next, just last night..
Missy's very own har mee, that is prawn noodles - the Malaysian way.
I know I'm known for my eccentric cooking, but trust me, it turned out so good my hubz drank the bowl clean. Drank it squeaky clean.
Well, to be fair, I didn't actually make it from scratch. But why bother when you can have the same satisfaction with half, or maybe quarter, the hassle? Maybe when I retire and committed to being a stayhome granny, I might try ;)
For now, this will absolutely do.
Ok, we're done with that, let's talk gradual changes.
I change mine, you change yours, everybody changes theirs. Let's face it, people who don't change it suck.
So, let us, non-sucky people, prep ourselves for some hairstyle-changes *wink. And before you launch into the whole financial drama, I assure you fashion can come without a heavy price tag. It only requires a creative mind. I know 'cos I'm as broke as a cow living on concrete, my dears.
Right, speaking of hair..
I've always loved mine versatile. I've had short crop before and bearing the baby fats on my face doesn't prove to be flattering. If anything, it is the direct opposite.
That, coupled with hubz' undying love for long, sexy flow, I try to let it grow. And all long-haired beauty share my grief, I believe. They are a disaster, I repeat, a disaster, to maintain. One good advice is less shampoo-ing, keep it to once every two days at best. But this, of course, ties in with your lifestyle. Meaning if you're an avid dancer, jogger, trainer or whatever makes you sweat, I say you go ahead and shampoo that whole damn scalp before you do anything else, babes.
Also, always.. always keep your hair treatment serum handy. It is the best thing ever you could bestow upon your strands of hair. I'm currently using John Frieda's Collection, and standing proudly by its bottles.
Anyway, long doesn't has to be boring. And it shouldn't cost much not to be a bore, too.
I like mine with a round egde. Swirled.
And damn, I mean swirled all through to the end.
I also like it disheveled. Messily spread out everywhere.
In good times, I like to keep it neat in a bun, with fringe pulled back at the crown.
And let's not forget the classic currrrrrrlss. I love my curls when they're all sexy and.. well, curly.
I sometimes make the soft curls, which are just slight curls over the end bit. When I have a little bit more time, and motivation, I do them the full-on way.
That, plus the girl-next-door plaits..
Hubz quite like it, see?
So what do I do when things are getting a little too stagnant? They say fashion goes in a circle, indeed, it damn well does.
It's time to revisit straight.
Perfectly ghd-ed hair.
Trust me, I've trimmed the ends but they still look as long, if not longer, than before.
I had to concentrate on fitting the whole length into the frame that I didn't even bother smiling. Needless to say, it wasn't an easy task.
And I still can't fit the whole length, if you notice.
Loving the sleek, exotic look.
For that one fine day.
1 comment:
not fair. i want fairy-like long hairs of yours... and u never teach how to curl your locks like that also. not fair....wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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