A little more for end of the year..

That, my dears, is the list (not yet finalised!) of to-dos in preparation for end of the year.

So much to do, so little time - this saying has finally rang true and through.

We're taking baby steps at the moment. Inching closer to ticking off every item on the list. But of course, who are we kidding? It's me, the Missy. If ever there's a shortcut, you can safely bet on your Louboutin that I'm taking it.

Still, as tired as we are with planning and preparation on top of work and studies, we quite like putting thoughts into the little details. It just makes it feel real, all warm and cosy.. very much like sharing a pecan tart with your husband in the peak of autumn.

It is with this anticipation that, despite the initial shock of having a big carton dropped off at our table, we gratuitously sorted out the DIY process of our invitation cards, one out of the long list of to-dos.

We promptly brought out the wine, only because we thought there's never a time when wine's not appropriate.

And we laid the wines, photos, cards, cardholder and the envelopes side by side so we can maximise productivity and actually see how we're progressing.

It's not too bad, really. We took less than two days altogether to glue the photos onto the cards, slip them into the holder and pair each with an envelope.

Not wanting to stop at just that, we went ahead and got ourselves rolls of ribbons in baby pink and blue; they're oh-so-pretty bundled up and tied in bows!


And I couldn't resist snapping a picture of the end result. Ain't those pastel shades calming after a huge stress-out session?


We mailed them out in batches to Norway, US and Malaysia last week. Fingers tightly crossed they're gonna show up as pretty as they were under our meticulous fingers.

3 more weeks before I fly home. 6 more weeks before the big day.

I'm not stressed! Who's stressed?!?


**************Jz***************** said...

will i get 1 too love? :(

Chloe Goh said...

lol wat a coincidence babe.. i juz got home from sis' place helping her with her hand-made wedding invitation cards too! yours look lovely..!!! :P

Missy Allets said...

Love, you ALREADY have one. Piping hot too, no less. Hahaha

And babe, how'd your sis' invitations fare? I had fun with the DIY process, but we just discovered a disaster.. MASSIVE SIGH.. oh and let's not forget, it hadn't even reached home yet. Norway's got it, just not M'sia.. how's that?