The sticky survey!

Right, this post came as the result of the humiliation and utter disagreement on how we should behave according to the norm..

I know, I know.. it's kinda gibberish but give me a moment, damnit!

It could probably be the hundredth time I was given the "Excuse me, you retard" look by waiters and waitresses when I politely asked for a fork for my sticky date pudding (they're so absolutely fabulous, by the way). And if that wasn't bad enough, they have to stick around and wave the spoon for an extra 2 seconds to confirm that I, indeed, asked for a fork. And SOME even had the nerve to are-you-sure-you're-not-after-a-spoon me! OMG like hello, a fork's a fork, a spoon's a spoon; I can differentiate that, thankyouverymuch.

So, I've had enough of people judging my adoration for a fork..

Yes, I eat my veges with a fork, more than willing to eat my rice with a fork, as is pasta and all baked goods, and totally using a fork for ice-creams and cakes.

But, just out of curiosity, I need want to know how many of yous out there actually shares my passion. So, be a good sport, c'mon. Make your vote right down there; that is, when you're done with this post, gentle tap the "end" key. That will take you where the poll is ;)

Missy will be waiting right here.. with her sticky date pudding.. and her fork.

Thank you in advance, and yes, feel free to spread the word ;) The more forker, the merrier..


Anonymous said...

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**************Jz***************** said...


tweeheh luv uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu