Some other butterflies..

Here's a quick one.

I slept for like 3 hours the day before and spent the whole day out about town organizing meetings for EFX, then straight to waitress at the restaurant. Not nice.

Jumpy 6 hours sleep today. Had an interview at 11am (more on that later on, IF there is anything more to talk about..), came back to edit a menu (for that restaurant, yes) and will be going to the restaurant to drop off and discuss the edited script, and straight to ANOTHER interview in Carlton. Not that I'm complaining I have too much choices (WHO WOULD?! TELL ME AND I'll SHOOT YOU), but well, I'm coping with them all coming at the same time and looking cheerful while doing that as well.

To top it off, Dad just sms-ed saying we haven't talked for a while. Oh, calm my homesick heart!

Amidst screwing my brains doing Sales & Marketing job, which is so NOT my blardy business, for EFX, I'll need to razor-sharp scan through the menu one last time, give a call home without sounding too stressed, rush to the restaurant and arrive at the door of prospective office by time.

Wish me luck!!

Oh, and did I mention I desperately needed a pee?? Now, you're wondering why the hell this blog is here..

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